NISM Certifications

NISM Series 8 chapter 9 : Accounting and Taxation

NISM Series 8 chapter 9 : Accounting and Taxation detailed article.

NISM Series 8 Chapter 9: Accounting and Taxation

9.1 Accounting
9.2 Taxation of derivative transaction in securities


9.1 Accounting

AS-11 Accounting for Forward Contracts

1. Hedging Forward Contracts:
  • Premium/Discount: Amortized over the contract life.
  • Exchange Differences: Recognized in P&L for changes in exchange rates from inception or previous reporting date.
  • Cancellation/Renewal: Profit or loss recognized in P&L.
2. Trading/Speculation Forward Contracts:
  • Premium/Discount: Not recognized.
  • Gains/Losses: Recognized in P&L based on the difference between contract and year-end forward rates.
  • Cancellation/Renewal: Profit or loss recognized in P&L.

Accounting for Equity Index and Stock Futures

1. Initial Margin:
  • Paid by the client to the clearing member and debited to an "Initial Margin" account.
  • It is not recorded as a contract entry unless the margin is paid.
2.Mark-to-Market Settlements:
  • Daily margin payments/receipts debited/credited to a "Mark-to-Market Margin" account.
  • At year-end, balances are disclosed under "Current Assets" or "Current Liabilities."
3. Open Positions at Year-End:
  • Debit balance in Mark-to-Market account for potential losses shown as a provision in P&L.
  • Credit balance (profits) not recognized.
4 Final Settlement or Squaring-off:
  • Profits/losses from final settlement recognized in P&L.
  • Margin payments are released and debited to the "Initial Margin Account."
5. Default:
  • Unpaid amounts netted off against the initial margin.
  • Profit or loss recognized in P&L.
6. Disclosure:
  • Bank guarantees and securities disclosed for margins.
  • Details of open contracts and positions disclosed.

Accounting for Equity Index Options (Cash Settled)

1. Initial Margin:
  • Sellers/ Writers pay margin, debited to the "Option Margin Account."
  • Buyer pays a premium, debited to "Options Premium Account."
2. At Year-End:
  • Option premium balance disclosed under "Current Assets" or "Current Liabilities."
  • Provision for loss created based on the market value of options.
3. Settlement:
  • Buyer: Premium recognized as an expense. Gain/loss from exercise recognized as income.
  • Seller: Premium received as income. Loss from exercise is recognized as an expense.

4. Squaring-off: Profit/loss on option squaring-off transferred to P&L.

5. Default: Same treatment as futures contracts in the event of default.

6. Disclosure: Accounting policies, initial margin amounts, and outstanding option details are disclosed.

Equity Stock Options (Cash & Delivery Settled)

1. Cash Settled: Accounting entries are the same as those for equity index options.

2. Delivery Settled :
  • (a) Buyer: Purchases shares for call options or sells for put options.
  • (b) Seller: Sell shares for call options or buy-for-put options.
  • (c) Premium: received/paid transferred to P&L.
3. Disclosure: Margin, securities, and outstanding positions disclosed for stock options.

9.2 Taxation of derivative transaction in securities

1. Pre-Financial Year 2005–06:
  • They were speculative under Section 43(5) of the Income-tax Act.
  • Such transactions were allowed to be set off only against other speculative income and not against any other type of income.
2. Amendment by the Finance Act, 2005:
  • The amendment excluded any derivative transactions on a recognized stock exchange from consideration as speculative.
  • Losses on derivatives are now permissible to be set off against any other income (eg, salary, business income) in the same year or carried forward for 8 years.
  • STT paid on such transactions is also allowable.

Securities Transaction Tax (STT):-

(a) STT Rates:
  • Sale of an option: 0.017% (Payable by seller)
  • Sale of an option (if exercised): 0.125% (Payable by purchaser)
  • Sale of futures: 0.01% (Payable by seller)

(b) Taxable Transaction Value:
  • Option Sale: The option premium.
  • Option Exercise: The settlement price (if the option is exercised).

(c) STT Calculation & Collection:
  • STT is leviable on sell transactions in both futures and options contracts.
  • Clearing members collect STT from trading members on a pass-through basis based on the aggregate STT liability from clients.
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