As per SEBI circular no SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2019/76 dated 28 June 28 2019 all are requested to comply with the provisions of the aforementioned circular which states as below: Intermediaries shall retain physical application forms submitted by retail individual investors with UPI as a payment mechanism, for a period of six months and thereafter forward the same to the issuer/ Registrar to Issue. However in case of Electronic forms printouts of such applications need not be retained or sent to the issuer. Intermediaries shall at all times maintain the electronic records relating to such forms for a minimum period of three years.
Symbol | DENTA |
Issue Period | 22-Jan-2025 to 24-Jan-2025 |
Cut-off time for UPI Mandate Confirmation | "24-Jan-2025 (upto 5:00 PM) The new cut-off time for UPI mandate acceptance is 05:00 PM on last day of IPO bidding. Further bids with confirmed status of mandate amount blocked (RC100) shall be considered as valid applications and hence, investors are advised to submit their UPI applications in IPO well in advance to avoid any last minute technical/systemic constraints that may hamper their ability to participate in IPOs by successfully accepting the mandate." |
Issue Size | "Fresh Issue of up to 75,00,000 Equity Shares of face value Rs 10 each aggregating up to Rs [?] million" |
Issue Type | 100% Book Building |
Price Range | Rs.279 to Rs.294 per Equity Share |
Face Value | Rs.10 per Equity Share |
Tick Size | Re.1 |
Bid Lot | 50 Equity Shares and in multiples thereof |
Minimum Order Quantity | 50 Equity Shares |
Maximum Subscription Amount for Retail Investor | "Rs. 2,00,000" |
IPO Market Timings | 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. |
Book Running Lead Managers | SMC Capitals Limited |
Sponsor Bank | Axis Bank Limited |
Categories | "FI, IC, MF, FII, OTH, CO, IND and NOH " |
Sub-Categories applicable for UPI | IND (upto 5 Lakhs) |
Name of the Registrar | Integrated Registry Management Services Private Limited |
Address of the Registrar | "No 30 Ramana Residency, 4th Cross Sampige Road, Malleswaram, Bengaluru 560 003, Karnataka, India" |
Contact person name number and Email id | "S Giridhar,080- 23460815/816/817/818," |
e-form link | e-Forms |